What is localised licensed walkies and who can use them?
Unlike license free walkies, localised licensed walkies need to be programmed to a frequency that is approved first by IMDA before you can use them. You can apply for one with a fee of about $400 or we can assist you with the application with a fee.
For those who already have an approved frequency, we will program your frequency and you can use them right away! All localised licensed walkies are programmable to your approved frequency, thus why IMDA approval is one of the mandatory requirements when purchasing localised license walkies.
The benefit with localised license walkie talkies is that you get better range and also less interference from other people.

Comparison with other Localised Licensed Walkies, such as BaoFeng UV-5R and Motorola XiR P6620i

Before applying for the IMDA license, kindly please understand the type of walkie talkie you will be using. You can check this link for more information and choose the type of walkie talkie you or your company may be using.
One of the important notes when using the localised licensed walkies, you have to make sure the number of users has to be at least 30 users, otherwise you are only limited to 0.5 watts which is the same as licensed free walkie’s output power meaning you’ll only have a short range.

At Smart Walkie, we sell TYT MD-680 for our localised licensed walkies. We are the only approved and licensed distributor in Singapore to sell this brand. Sport Singapore (SportSG) is among one of our many clients who have entrusted us with delivering over 250 units to their branches nationwide.
You may contact us at sales@smartwalkietalkie.com / +65 6708 9309 if you wish to enquire or purchase TYT MD-680 with us.